

AI Translation
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They're back, all back, the dangerous things in my heart Season 2 finale

This is truly the sweetest romance anime I have ever seen. Whether it's the animation, music, or scenes, everything is top-notch. As Yamada and Ichikawa confess their feelings to each other, they finally become each other's guiding light. Starting with the slanting sun, ending with the slanting sun. The final ending theme also uses the first season's opening theme "Slanting Sun," with music that perfectly complements the scenes. The production team, do you still remember the Slanting Sun? I really cried, it's back, everything is back. And I finally understand why this song is called "Slanting Sun." The beautiful sunset glow in the evening sky is truly stunning. Sob, sob, sob, Yamada, how can I live without you. It always brings me great emotions, allowing me to watch each episode with great anticipation. Thank you for taking over this spring that touches my heart and bringing me infinite emotions. Door of danger!
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